Kansas Mission - Free City Church

FREE CITY CHURCH - Lawrence, Kansas.

Erin's Hope Foundation provides financial support for a new church that was established last year in the university town of Lawrence, Kansas. 
Here is an update from one of the co-pastors, Ethan Sperle: 
"First of all, thank you so much for your generosity to Free City Church. It floors us when we begin to think of all the people who make sacrifices to financially support the work here in Lawrence. It has broadened our understanding and joy in the Kingdom of God. We thank God often for you!
We have now been in Lawrence for almost 14 months. Things are going well. We really feel like there is rich community forming at Free City Church. Our people spend time together - often without us initiating it. Praise the Lord! 

We’ve resumed Men’s and Women’s Development after a break during the holidays. These two groups are our Life Transformation Groups. They really serve as the backbone to our City Groups. Men’s/Women’s Development primarily focus on three things:

Daily Bible reading: What have you been reading? What have been takeaways from your reading? What is the text calling you to DO? 
Repent and believe: We want to confess and repent of our sin and disobedience and press one another to believe more deeply in the good news of Jesus’ perfect life, atoning death and his resurrection. 
Pray: Consider the people around you. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with those you encounter, and for boldness to speak when given the opportunity. Pray for these people by name. 

We transitioned to weekly worship on February 22. We were able to use the building we are renting each week instead of just twice a month. Praise the Lord!We’ll be moving our City Group to either Tuesday or Wednesday. Currently trying to connect with everyone in our group to decide for sure. 
We’re also began our covenant membership class after spring break. It will meet for four weeks, providing an overview of the values and vision for FCC.

Thank you guys for your prayers and financial support. Your intercessions and generosity testify to your dependence upon Christ and joy in His Kingdom. It encourages us and glorifies God!

Yours in the Greatest Cause,"
